OK, need help. So, was working on another issue and broke some virtual directory settings :(
In ECP, went to OWA Virtual Directory, and under Owa, Default website, Authentication
Basic Authentication was checked, however, "User one or more standard authentication methods" button was not checked. Again, troubleshooting another issue - I checked the "Use one or more standard authentication methods" button. Now, I cannot access the ECP. I get the EAC login page, and then once I login, I get "400 Page not found"
When I looked at the OWA virtual directory settings after I did this, InternalAuthenticationMethods showed only "Basic". Ran set-owavirtualdirectory to set InternalAuthenticationMethods to "Basic,NTLM,WindowAuthetication", but still get the same error when I try to login to ECP.
Any ideas? I was right on the verge of cutting over to 2013 (2010/2013 co-existence). As we are close to cutover, don't really want to start deleting - recreating virtual directories.
Should note:
IIS Permission (default web site) - ECP - anon, basic and windows are enabled, all others disabled. Owa - just basic and windows are enabled